This week we continued to learn new functions in Nuke.
We learned how to use Merge, understanded the role of each of those functions like plus, stencil, over, under.

Then, we learned about the reformat and copy, which means to copy the alpha from A to B.

Next, we understanded about the Premult and Unpremult.

We also learned how to see the amount of red, green and blue in the picture by using Windows-New Scope-Histogram/Waveform.

This is the original picture, we need to do the color correction to make the plane match the background.

Do not forget to do the unpremult before editing the color. Then, I added a little exposure to the plane and the background.
After that, I added Colorcorrect and Grade to the plane, to adjust the color, add more yellow and orange to it, to create a sense of reflection of the background color.

This is the final look after color correction.