Week 10 – Nuke

This week we learned to clean up the areas of the video. First, we use a node called RotoPaint. We can press shift to make the brush bigger or smaller, or pick color from the shot by clicking the small color pick button. Clone is another very useful function in RotoPaint. By pressing ctrl, we can select the area that we want to copy.

After getting familiar with RotoPaint, we began to clean up the scene.

Before start, we learned a new node called Denoised, it can reduce the noise of the area.

Then, we used RotoPaint to clean up the area, then create a roto of it. Use Framehold to make sure the whole video shares the same effect. Last but not least, remember to add grain to the cleaned-up area. We can either use Grain or F_ReGrain. We can add grain manually by using Grain Node, or copy the grain from one area to another by using F_ReGrain.

Gonzalo also shown us different ways to clean up, like track the area first, than use RotoPaint and MatchMove.

All in all, there are so many ways to edit with the video, I prefer use faster and simpler ways to achieve the effect, because it can not only save my time, but also reduce the work of the machine. Also, try to make the Nodes aligned and arrange them into groups, which can make the surface cleaner and better for checking.

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