For these two weeks, we mainly learned how to clean up things that we don’t need in a clip.
Before cleaning, we learned about Denoise, which can reduce the noise in the clip, make sure to select well balanced part when using this node.
You can see the difference between the two pictures:

Tips: Merge(Minus) To reduce the noise, than paint on the scene. Then merge(plus).

We can adjust the RGB Chanel to adjust the grain.
Another thing to pay attention to is that do not to double Regrain.
We can use exposure, RGB channel and other channels to check the grain.

We learned a new node called Keymix, it was a little bit hard to understand how the node works.

After that, we did a little practise of cleaning up a lamp using Roto and RotoPaint.
We used Clone in RotoPaint: Apply the same effects did one the first one(if you do the colorcorrect, if will do the same on the other one)

Lastly, we went through how to clean up markers in a clip. Professor taught us multiple ways to achieve that, which all had pros and cons of using each way.

There can always be multiple ways to achieve a same effect, therefore, choosing which way to do is always up to the clip and the situation that we meet.
I practised each of the ways to clean up the markers, Roto and Transform, Clone Patch, Premult and Unpremult for Paint, InPaint…

At last, I chose to use InPaint to finish cleaning up the face, which I think is convenient and also shows good result.