Use minus to reduce the green in Constant:

Kill the green in Constant by using divide:

Then we go through how to edit with simple blue screen, which we can even do it at home

Which may finally looks like this:

Then we go through color correct trsaparencies It may also affect how much information and details we can get from the picture

Add details of the hair by using difference key. Details can be important when showing Nuke skills.

For homework, we were asked to combine a short clip with the a background, using any ways we have learned.
Fistly, I used keylight to reduce the green background. Then, I add Erode and EdgeBlur to make the edges looks softer.
After that, I added Grade and ColorCorrect nodes to adjust the color of two clips. I mainly reduced the saturation of shadow in colorcorrect to make the hair looks not that warm and bright. Apart from that, I redeced the lift and whitepoint of the woman. Last but not least, reduce the saturation of the background and increase the contrast to make the background looks darker.