We first go through different ways/softwares to render
Different renders use different nodes in Nuke
The LayerContactSheet is good to see different paths straight forward, with names on it

Then, use merge(plus)to connect all the layers together

Adjust specific layer

There are two options to see the postageStamp
Then we go through geo in Nuke

Gonzalo taught us a way to easily find the position of the file. Press S and it may shows like in the picture below:

Copy it and put it before the file folder
After that, we began to practise doing composition on a picture.
A tip when doing compositing of the CG is that, do not premult again.

Adjust the grade

Lighting in nuke

Two ways of Relighting

Gonzalo explained the different between the lighting. For the first one, it is like adjusting the light in the 3D scene, for the other one, is like only doing adjustments to a mat. It seems similar but there are differences between them.