Finally, it comes to the end. I created 5 cameras to show the room and the details of the objects.

The projects looks so far so good, anyway, I hope I can keep on working on this scene in the future. There are still a few things I haven’t down, for example, I haven’t build the city and houses outside the room. What’s more, I can add birds or other creatures to the scene.
All in all, I learned a lot and praticed a lot while doing this project. I proved my skill for modelling and texturing a lot. However, there are still many things I can improve in the future. I want to work more efficiently, build more complicated models, make better and detailed textures, etc. This project helped me found enthusiasm and happiness when doing it, I really enjoyed and I will keep working in this direction, try to become a good 3D Artist.
This is the final video to show the room: