Week 07

At the beginning, we went through what a simple CG comp may include, which is distortion, roto, color correction and distortion back.

Then, we learned how to do the basic grade match.

Gain for the wanted color

Whitepoint for the original color

Adjust Lift in the Grade

Take the darkest part

Take the yellow part

Then we can see the difference between the previous one and the one after the adjustment

Other nodes in Arnold Multipass Comp:

Week 06

We first go through different ways/softwares to render

Different renders use different nodes in Nuke

The LayerContactSheet is good to see different paths straight forward, with names on it

Then, use merge(plus)to connect all the layers together

Adjust specific layer

There are two options to see the postageStamp

Then we go through geo in Nuke

Gonzalo taught us a way to easily find the position of the file. Press S and it may shows like in the picture below:

Copy it and put it before the file folder

After that, we began to practise doing composition on a picture.

A tip when doing compositing of the CG is that, do not premult again.

Adjust the grade

Lighting in nuke

Two ways of Relighting

Gonzalo explained the different between the lighting. For the first one, it is like adjusting the light in the 3D scene, for the other one, is like only doing adjustments to a mat. It seems similar but there are differences between them.

Week 05

This week we went through common problems we may meet when doing compositing.

We learned a new node called Mergemat.

Then we go through the steps of setting up the projection and different kinds of projections.

We learned about different software to do tracking, like Moka, etc. …

Gonzalo taught us a tip to separate match move into a new file.

First, put the checkerboards into the clip

Use RotoPaint

Then we learned how to fix the problem of resolution

Last, roto the lamp and track it

After that, we learned about HueCorrects

Ctrl + alt to select a key frame

At the end of the lecture, Gonzalo explained to us how to add and adjust the light in Nuke.

Week 06

This week I cut the UV and set up textures of pills and glasses.

I used AIstandardsurface for blue and red pills

I used 3 area lights, one white light from behind, one purple light from top and one blue light from below

Communication with the group leader about the scene of the glasses:

Short Demo

Group meeting on Sunday:

Week 05

This week I made the shot of pills and glasses, this is the reference picture of pills:

Then I put it into Maya as the background and started to set the scene up.

Communication with the group leader:

A rough render:

Glasses model and the scene after set up:

Group meeting on Sunday:

Week 06

This week I finished modelling the machine, added details and cut the UV.

Rendered without textures:

After cutting all the UV:

Some processes of making textures:

Week 05

This week I continued to model my machine.

This machine is kind of complex compared to the previous one that I made. Again, I divided the machine into different parts to model. Last week, I finished two parts of it, and this week I continued to model the rest of the machine.

Week 04

This week, we continued to model our machines. I learned two useful tools in Maya which is crease tool and crease sets in modeling editors.

Apart from that, we learned how to model a screw in class.

However, when I was considering how to rig the machine, I found that it was hard for me to figure out ways to make the machine animated. Therefore, I decided to delete most parts of the machine and model a new one.

New reference:

Week 03

This week, we learned how to rig and animate the machine.

The first time I made a mistake when repositioning the axis of the model. As a result, the machine did not move in the way that I wanted. Then I fixed the problem, by gathering the axes of different parts of the models into one point, the machine could move around two axes.

Then, we set up the belt. I made another mistake when creating the model of the belt. I chose the wrong polygon, which made the belt looked weird.

Nick taught us a way to cheat when animating the belt. Actually, the model didn’t have to move, we can only animate the UV of the belt.

Apart from what we learned in class, I also continued to model my machine.

Week 03

At the beginning of the class, we learned what is LensDistortion.

Then, we learned about the cameras and 3D module in Nuke. We can use tap to switch between 2D and 3D.

After that, we started to learn CameraTracker and had a little practice. We set the number of features to 1000, and tracked the clip.

We can use mask to avoid certain areas from tracking.

Afterward, click solve in CameraTracker to reduce the error.

Then, select a point and set to the origin. After that, select points on the ground and set to selected. Points does not have to be selected all, just a rough selection.

An example of placing a card in the clip.


First of all, we set the camera, using the data which was given.

Remember to add LensDistortion to it at the beginning. Then we track the video clip.

Set the origin and set to selected.