Week 04

This week we continued to do some 3D tracking. We learned 3 different ways to track, which are Cameratracker, Pointcloud and ModelBuilder.


Create a Pointcloud, and then analyse sequences. Clouds may show like this:


Firstly use the shape tool to create a card, and then adjust the shape and duplicate the edges of the shape, which may finally show like this:

After that, we used Rotopaint to do the clean up. I erased the window. Remember to use the FrameHold to make sure all the frames are covered.

We also had a deep understanding of the difference between two cameras. It was a little bit hard to understand, but if we compare these cameras with the cameras in Maya, it became easier to understand.

Finally, we had a little practice on the Project roto.

Week 04

This week we continued to model things in Maya. After the meeting last week, we had a project list of what we are going to model in each scene and a raft draft of the split shots.

Apart from that, we also shared what we have done in WhatsApp and shared files in the google drive.

We had a meeting in the weekend, talked about what we are going to do in the next week, communicated with our teammates and to make sure everything is working finely.

Some processes of modeling:

A picture after rendered:

Week 03

This week we began to model things. We use Wechat and WhatsApp to communicate and discuss about the models and scenes which we were going to make.

Apart from that, we created a google drive to upload our projects and share files with other group members.

Some modeling processes:

Week 01 – 02

I am going to work with Hao Yu and Yikun Zhang, we discussed to make a CG of The Matrix.

At this stage, we have got a brief of the CG and a storyboard.

We have started to find references we can use for the CG and also began to model things this week.

Week 01

I would like to model a machine that looks like this. This kind of machine is called Petter Junior, it is a stationary oil engine.

The machine would be in an old form but with bright and reflective textures. The body of the machine would be colored by green, and the wheels would be in grey and black. The pipelines would be in silver and the parts would be in gold and bronze.

I also find a book that introduces the machine. Covering instructions for fixing, starting and working the engines, lubrication, magneto, fuel, fuel pump and has parts diagrams and layout drawings.

Details of the machine and how different parts of the machine works:

Ideally, the machine would be like an old machine that has been repainted and refurbished, here are some references: